Well, after a rather nice and relaxed week off it’s getting to that point where I’m dreading going back to work :(
So, what have I done this week??
Had my hair cut
Met mum in town and spent hours doing seemingly nothing – had planned to go to the Vivienne Westwood exhibition but didn’t in the end
And that’s about it, how did that take up a week?!!! I must’ve done more than that!!
Oh, yes we had a guy come round with the kitchen designs he’s come up with. Not sure which to go for yet, I’d actually like my mum to have a look, see which she thinks. Also I need to know how much they’d want for it, my uncle will fit the kitchen if they’re asking a stupid amount (as most big places do!)
I’d rather not buy from somewhere like B&Q or MFI because they aren’t made to fit, where as I know these ones will fit fully and I’ll have no silly little gaps in places.
I think it’s about time I updated our bird list:
Blue tit
Great tit
Coal tit
Long tailed tit
House Sparrow
Feral Pigeon
Collared Dove
Wood Pigeon
Song Thrush
Tawny Owl
Sparrow hawk
I’m seriously lacking in the warbler department… How can I change that?!!
It’s been a nice week for the most part, some days have been mixed like today, brilliant hot sun with a very quick heavy downpour. Luckily there was more sun than rain though!
I had a rather long fight with a small shrub that keeps on growing babies! I’ve had to remove it… Rather interesting battle I have to say, Pete and I hacking, cutting, digging away at its root. Boy, if it manages to spring new shoots from that we might have to blow it up!!
Not looking forward to digging up the buddleja over winter, that’s going to be far more hard work! :)
The Essex Coast in winter
4 days ago
warbler's are hard to get. Only two reall chances chiffchaff and blackcap
its a good list btw
Ikeahas some nice stuff for your kitchen; only you will have to measure the kitchen first, before you go!
Good birdlist, Liz. I'd love a Blackcap in my garden.
Has the Sprawk been back?
Pete - I'd be quite happy with chiffchaffs and blackcaps! (only ever seen the female once)
I don't think I've ever seen a chiffchaff, but I always imagine they're not very easy to spot...
Yoke - I haven't really looked at Ikeas range, I have used their room designer application that you can download off the net. The main reason I've gone to this small company is for the designs and self made units. Whether or not I get them to fit it I'm unsure yet.
I'm taking my time so I can save up more money because we'll need new flooring too and that could cost around 2k in itself because it runs completely through the bottom floor.
The sprawk hasn't been back yet, actually I'm not sure. I saw a bird that looked like it flying past the spare room window, seemed to be carrying something in its talons/feet. But there weren't any birds alarm calling at the time! The bird swooped over maggies and a BB, so you'd think they'd be going nutso...
Perhaps it was a kestral and it'd actually got a mouse, perhaps it was one of many big fat pigeons and my eyes played tricks on me!
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