Things are still trudging along… I don’t imagine they will be with us for much longer…
Crocosmia dying away
The seed heads are also beautiful
Today I attempted to plant some of the bulbs… Still having difficulty… My mum is as bad as me and won’t tell me exactly which and how many she wants…
Some Cornflowers are still with us

So I’ve planted some of the Crocus, Snowdrops and my Allium ‘purple sensation’ in the back garden.
All a good plan, was it not?
Until when digging a hole in the border on the side of the house I hear a tinkling noise… continue to dig… look up to see this cat watching me… I watch it and realise it’s a kitten/youngster. One I had seen last weekend poking its nose under the fence.
So I spend the next hour being ‘mauled’ by a kitten and getting very little planting done!
It was cute though, and I assume some sort of crossbreed as it had a very short fat tail and big chunky paws – very unlike your normal tabby.
Not too sure I’ll welcome it when it’s older though if it takes a liking to ‘my’ birds!
My hand now has swollen scratches all over it… Allergies :(
Garden spiders are everywhere…
Pyracantha berries are ripe… Now I just need some Waxwings on them…
Aquilegia leaves add wonderful colours
Wild poppes are still flowering… Very strange.
Plenty of Scabious in flower still.
Coneflower dying off… I will collect the seeds once they’re dry…
I'm off until Thursday now, and will plant the rest of the bulbs in the front tomorrow. Then I'll make the decision for my mum what she will/won't have! ha ha, I can't sit around waiting for her any longer.
What's happening in your garden today?